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Culturally Competent Care

This resource is meant to be used as a guide. Every religion and culture has differing practices, beliefs, ceremonies, and languages dependent on location, community, family, and the individual. If you are unsure about how to best provide support, it is b


This resource is meant to be used as a guide. Every religion and culture has differing practices, beliefs, ceremonies, and languages dependent on origin location, community, family, and the individual. If you are unsure about how to best provide support, it is best to consult with the individual receiving care.

Cultural Responsiveness

For cultural responsiveness, healthcare professionals should:

  • Be aware of the impacts of cultural, religious, and spiritual beliefs on health and wellbeing.
  • Be aware of individual beliefs and biases that may influence care.
  • Ask about the patient's understanding of their condition and what health issues are important to them.
  • Ask about any cultural, religious, and/or spiritual considerations that the patient would appreciate during treatment.
  • Ask about any current complementary and alternative treatments the patient may be receiving.
  • Understand what treatments, medications, and interventions are accepted by the patient.
  • Create a plan with the patient.
  • Be aware of services available at the hospital (i.e. chaplaincy services, interpreters).

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2021, September 23). Culture, spirituality and religion: migrant health guide. GOV.UK. 

Conversation Starters

Please see below for different ways you can ask patients, families, and/or interpreters to better understand beliefs, values, and needs.

  • "Forgive me.. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?"
  • "Some people draw on their beliefs to help during tough times, 
    • Is there anything we can do to help you meet your spiritual/religious needs?"
    • Are there any practices that we can help facilitate for you?"
    • Is there a religious leader or healer who might be able to help?"
  • "To help ensure we are polite and respectful to you and your family may we ask
    • How would you like to be addressed by staff?"
    • Are there any courtesies or practices that we should participate in when we visit?"
    • Can you please let us know if we do anything offensive so we can adjust?"
  • "Lots of people have beliefs and customs that can be helpful for healing.
    • Are their any beliefs or customs that you would like to keep during your stay?"
    • Are there any traditional remedies that you have found to be helpful?"
    • How do you and your family think the illness should be treated?"
    • What do you think about this treatment?"

Questions from Fraser Health Authority Conversation Starters and Questions. Please see the document linked here for more helpful resources.